Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

A stuffed bear ornament that Rylin had to take off the tree and give a little cuddles to. I am quite surprised that she is doing a good job of not touching the tree.
Reminiscing about ornaments. It was fun to hear all of Addies memories surrounding different ones.
Adrienne's decorating job, looks pretty nice I think.
Rylin having fun checking everything out.
Everyone had a blast decorating the tree. I am really loving how my parents tree fits my space. We did a tree swap this year and are both happy with our "new" trees.

Look at the concentration to get that in just the perfect spot.
I love this picture of Lane with his face aglow from the tree. Precious.
Miss Addie looking like the young lady she is did a great job decorating the spots the little kids couldn't reach. I should also mention that she put the whole tree up all by herself.

Christmas Parade

One of our favorite things that Radcliffe does is a lighted winter parade. It was a cold night this night but we still enjoyed it!
I had to chuckle with my kids standing like stair steps watching the parade.
This was one of my favorites!

Do they look a little cold to you?
Our new lamp decorations, I really like them! If this doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit I don't know what will.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just to share

My sweet little puppy was napping on a puppy so I had to share.
Yes Rylin is still all about doing her own hair. She gets it nice and matted and then the jaws clip will hang from a mat, swing around as she moves about.
Getting all ready to cook in her kitchen.
I was sitting on the couch knitting and here comes Rylin with a bag of books, she and her baby sat next to me while she she read to her baby. So sweet!
Such a good mommy!
This shelf is in the bathroom right by the toilet and I find it so funny that starting with Lane the little kids take whatever they were playing with when 'nature calls' and sets it on the shelf while they are getting the job done. This was what Rylin brought in with her the other day lol.